Salt Spray Chamber - Accelerated Corrosion Testing Instrument | Presto Group

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Salt Spray Testing Chamber

Presto encourages metal and coating manufacturers to use the ideal and renowned  test, Salt Spray Testing for checking the corrosion resistance of surface coatings. The test is performed to check the behaviour of coated metals when exposed to a salt laden environment or corrosive conditions. The test determines the rust proof ability of a component to resist corrosion due to environmental conditions. The machine provides replication of different environmental conditions and is adjustable from ambient to +40°C. There is a PLC controlled PID to control the temperature of the chamber. The instrument has a touch screen that makes testing procedures simple for different kinds of samples.
The tester is specially designed to perform the quality control tests in laboratories as comparative testing is essential in labs. A transparent cover provides constant direct visual observation of the test item, and this helps in optimization of testing inspection. The triple wall chamber is fitted with a glass wool insulation that ensures the correct and reliable test results complying with the international standard of testing. The air flow meter incorporated to regulate the air flow from 0 to 30 Psi and an air jacket heating system is also equipped for even and reliable operation.


The touch screen is considered an effective tool with built in PT 100 sensor. The salt spray testing is done with its HMI based display allow the user to access eight function keys, a 3 M flash memory, and for a USB flash drive, and a USB host. The testing procedure is highly efficient for corrosion tests. The tests are based on several international standards that require automatic water control and dry air. There are some standard accessories like gauges, cyclic timer, air purging, a regulator, and time totalizer are provided along with the racks.

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Salt Fog Cabinets

The Salt Fog Cabinets are one of the best reliable machine manufactured by Presto to check the corrosion resistance of metallic materials surface coating. This is the time tested machine that can assess the rust proof ability of a material under different environmental conditions. The machine is completely flexible to replicate the real-life environmental conditions. This is the most efficient and reliable equipment to test the corrosion resistance of surface coating when comes in a salt laden environment. The rust proof ability of a material is effectively tested with reliable results. The touch screen has integral special zero corrosion PT 100 sensor and has 8 function keys, a 3M flash memory.

Salt fog cabinets has user-friendly features that allow users to adjust the test temperature from ambient to +45°C. The temperature is controlled by a PLC controlled PID. The touch screen installed in the chamber is capable of easing the corrosion analysis. The inside of machine has a work area as per the international standard, and a solid state digital programmable temperature controller cum indicator provides the temperature control. A moisture cum oil filter is provided to regulate the air flow within the chamber. An air regulator with a range between 0-30 psi is also provided.

A calibrated pressure gauge is available for accurate measurement of inlet air pressure. A zero choke inert materials atomizers perform atomization for performing consistent atomizing. There is a separate user-friendly panel in an eco model of the machine which includes a solid state digital programmable temperature indicator cum controller with an auto cut off facility, a digital preset timer that has memory backup and automatic shut off facility, a pressure gauge, regulator valve, air filter and 60 liter reinforced fiber reservoir.

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Salt Spray Chamber (Corrosion Tester) - Patent No. 244580

How Does a Salt Spray Chamber Perform Corrosion Testing?

The SST chamber stands out as the most dependable equipment for evaluating the corrosion resistance of surface coatings when subjected to a salt-laden environment. This high quality salt spray test machine is specifically crafted to assess the ability of components to resist rust and corrosion caused by atmospheric conditions. Offering unparalleled flexibility, the salt spray testing machine enables the simulation of real-life weathering conditions.

Users can easily adjust the test temperature within the chamber, ranging from ambient to +40°C, thanks to the user-friendly PID controller system. The salt fog test chamber boasts an HMI-based touch screen, serving as a powerful tool to facilitate the analysis of corrosion resistance across a diverse range of sample types. To enhance accuracy, a specialized zero corrosion PT 100 sensor is integrated into the apparatus. salt spray testing chamber makes it easy for the manufacturers to perform accurate salt spray test procedure.

Featuring a triple-walled design with glass wool insulation, the salt spray chamber ensures precise and reliable results, meeting international testing standards. Incorporating cutting-edge technology, it includes an Air Regulator that effectively manages air flow, ranging from 0 to 30 psi.

The Salt Spray Tester is designed as per various international Testing Standards which includes, ASTM B 117 and JIS Z 2371. Other than these features like Automated Air Purging and Online Fog Collection makes it easy for the user to perform an error free test.

In the metal industry, it is important for packaging product manufacturers to conduct a salt spray test on the materials in order to test the durability of their products against corrosion. With the use of the salt spray corrosion test chamber for Paint, Coatings & plating part manufacturers can easily detect the corrosion-resistant properties of the materials. It complies to ASTM B117 & JIS Z 2371 besides other standards. Users can easily select different types of dimensions of chamber available in this lab testing instrument is a leading manufacturer of salt spray chambers and offers this high-quality fog test chamber equipped with highly advanced features.

This salt spray test chamber will stimulate the atmospheric conditions for the products to test under different test conditions. This standardized SST Chamber will easily assess the behavior of the materials and ensure that accurate products will be delivered to the customers. This lab testing equipment also supports an Ethernet communication protocol that allows the users to connect devices utilizing LAN or an internet network. You can get the best salt spray chamber price when you purchase this lab testing instrument.

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Salt spray chamber


The salt spray chamber is the most revolutionary lab testing instrument as it has truly transformed the metal and related industries. The instrument is designed to evaluate the rustproofing properties of a metal when used under extremely humid conditions. 

The instrument simulates such humid conditions inside its inner chamber with the backing of an air saturator & reservoir tank controlled by the electrical panel of the instrument. 


The instrument uses a solution of demineralized water & salt that is sprayed across the specimen with the help of an air saturator and a concentrated fog is formed. 

The fully automatic & futuristic instrument determines the anti-corrosive properties of a metal with absolute precision. 


Salt spray chamber