Tips for Choosing the Perfect Moisture Meter

Tips for Choosing the Perfect Moisture Meter

Moisture content is an important factor for people who work with woods, crops, grains, etc. It decides the property of their products and subsequent products. To check the accurate value of moisture content, a moisture meter is a perfect device to use. However, there are many factors associated with a meter to check if it is giving accurate values or not. We have jotted down some points to check the reliability of results produced by a meter.

Get from a Reputed Brand
If a product from ‘so and so’ brand is popular in the market, it means the brand is working hard to deliver high-quality goods. Same applies to this instrument. Getting a branded moisture meter will solve half of your problems. They might charge a bit more than competitors, but they assure good product at the time it reaches you. Calibration, warranty, etc. are some factors to consider.
Check for Repeatability
Even after getting your meter, your test for reliability doesn’t end. You have to keep on checking continuously if the results are accurate or not. Perform the same test, again and again, to see if there is any difference in the test results. If there are differences, what is the differential value? Can this difference be tolerated? If not, the instrument is not giving accurate measurements and may require calibration. 
Right Atmospheric Conditions
It is very important to create perfect environmental conditions while measuring a different type of products. It is always advised to set the temperature and product type before starting the test process. Readings of moisture meter may largely vary due to the humidity of the test area. This does not mean that the instrument is faulty. Due to the sensitivity of the pins, it would start responding to the moisture of the room as well. 
Compare with Other Meters
Before jumping to any conclusion, it is always advised to compare the readings of your meter with any other meter. This helps you in fault finding of your instrument if there are any. You can use multiple varieties, same make and model, different models, different brands. This will help in analysing your product’s fault. 
Checking the Quality of the Contacts
Sometimes due to excessive usage, the sensitivity of the pins starts decreasing. It is important that with the passage of time, you should start checking the sensitivity of the moisture meter. They should not be damages, at first place.
For more information about moisture measuring devices, contact our experts. 

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