Seven Most Common Mistake Packaging Manufacturers Make and Simple Solutions

Seven Most Common Mistake Packaging Manufacturers Make and Simple Solutions
  • Gaurav Malhotra

As packaging manufacturers, the success of your business relies on producing high-quality products that meet customer demands. However, even with the best intentions, it is easy to fall into common mistakes that can hinder growth and profitability. 

From overlooking the need for quality testing to relying on cheap raw material suppliers, these missteps can be detrimental to your reputation and sales. Packaging unit manufacturers play a crucial role in ensuring that products are delivered safely and securely to their intended destination. However, despite the importance of quality control in packaging testing, many manufacturers still make common mistakes that can compromise product safety and integrity. 
In this blog post, we'll discuss seven of the most common mistakes made by packaging unit manufacturers and provide solutions for how they can improve their quality control processes. So sit back, grab your favorite beverage, and let's dive into the world of packaging testing!
Common Mistake #1: Not Testing the Materials
One of the most common mistakes that packaging unit manufacturers make is not testing their materials. Testing the materials is critical for ensuring quality control and preventing potential issues down the line.
When manufacturers skip material testing, they could end up using low-quality or faulty materials that compromise the safety and effectiveness of their final product. This can lead to serious consequences such as leaks, contamination, or even product recalls.
Solution #1
To avoid these problems, it's important for manufacturers to conduct thorough material tests before moving forward with production. These tests should evaluate factors like durability, strength, chemical stability, and more to ensure that only high-quality materials are used in manufacturing.
Skipping material testing may save time and money initially but will ultimately cost much more in terms of reputation damage and lost revenue due to product recalls or lawsuits. Therefore, this mistake should be avoided at all costs by every packaging unit manufacturer who takes quality control seriously.
To know more about the best material testing equipment, click here!
Common Mistake #2: Not Measuring the Dimensions
Another common mistake that packaging unit manufacturers make is not measuring the dimensions. This could be a crucial mistake, as it can cause problems during shipping and transportation.
When you don't measure your packaging units' dimensions, you risk creating products that are too big or too small for their intended purposes. If they're too large, the shipping costs may be higher than necessary; if they're too small, your items might get damaged during transit.
Solution #2
To avoid this mistake, always take accurate measurements of your product's length, width and height. You should also consider any additional space needed for cushioning materials to protect your items during transport.
Another consequence of not measuring the dimensions is that it can lead to inconsistencies in product size among different batches.
This inconsistency can negatively impact customer satisfaction and even result in lost business.
Therefore, by putting proper measurement protocols in place at every stage of production, so that quality control measures such as checking for uniform sizes will help avoid these issues down the line. Always remember: accuracy is key when it comes to measuring dimensions!
Common Mistake #3: Not Inspecting the Printing
One of the most important aspects of packaging is its printing. However, many packaging unit manufacturers make the mistake of not inspecting their printed materials properly before sending them out into the market.
Printing can easily go wrong due to various reasons such as incorrect color schemes, smudging, or misalignment. This can significantly affect the appearance and quality of your product in front of consumers.
Moreover, if you don't catch these errors early on during inspection, your entire batch might end up being defective leading to financial loss and a damaged reputation in the market.
Solution #3
To avoid this common mistake, it's essential to have a thorough inspection process for all printed materials. You need to ensure that everything from colors to text placement is accurate and consistent across all products.
Manufacturers should use a Scuff resistance tester - a very accurate instrument to evaluate the rub resistance between two stickers or any general printed material.
The term scuff implies the rubbing of two materials against each other. Scuff tester rubs two printed materials against each, other face to face in the same plane at constant speed and rubbing pressure. This instrument can also be used to prevent color transfer from one printed material to another or any coated surfaces during rubbing. With scuff resistance tester the manufactures can rest assured.
This means investing in proper equipment and hiring experienced personnel who know how to examine every print run with precision. Don't skimp on inspections because it could cost you more money down the line if mistakes slip through undetected. Remember that quality control should always be a top priority for any packaging unit manufacturer looking for long-term success!
Common Mistake #4: Not Doing Function Tests – Bursting Strength & Edge Crush Test
One common mistake that packaging unit manufacturers make is not doing a function test on their products. This can lead to major issues down the line, such as ineffective or faulty packaging.
A function test should be done to ensure that the product functions properly in real-life situations. For example, if a package is designed to hold liquid, it should be tested with actual liquid to see if it leaks or breaks.
Another reason why this mistake occurs is due to time constraints and cost-saving measures. However, skipping a function test can ultimately cost more money and damage the brand’s reputation from defective packaging.
Solution #4
It's important for manufacturers to prioritize quality control procedures like function tests such as Bursting Strength Test & Edge Crush Test , in order to avoid costly mistakes and ensure customer satisfaction. By conducting thorough testing, companies can offer high-quality products and gain loyal customers who trust their brand.
Common Mistake #5: Not Checking the Sterilization
Proper sterilization is crucial when it comes to packaging products, especially those that are intended for medical or food-related purposes. However, some packaging unit manufacturers forget to check the sterilization process as one of their quality control procedures.
One common mistake is assuming that all products have undergone proper sterilization just because they were inside the machine. Just like any other processes in manufacturing, the sterilization method should also be monitored and tested regularly.
Another mistake is using improper sterilization methods such as relying on low-quality equipment or not following recommended guidelines. This can compromise the safety and quality of the product being packaged.
It's also important to note that different materials may require different types of sterilization methods. Failing to take this into consideration can lead to ineffective results and potential contamination issues.
Solution #5
In order to avoid these mistakes, it's essential for packaging unit manufacturers to establish clear protocols for checking and verifying the effectiveness of their sterilization process. By doing so, they ensure a safe and reliable product for consumers while avoiding costly recalls or legal repercussions due to contaminated products.
Common Mistake #6 Not checking leakage
Another common mistake is not checking leakage. 
Leakage causes problem for packaging manufacturers in a multitude of ways. Firstly, if a leaky package is shipped to the customer, it can damage the company's reputation and credibility. This could lead to losing customers and declining sales revenue. Additionally, leakage can cause product spoilage or contamination during transportation resulting in significant financial loss due to wasted products and potential legal actions from consumers. Not checking leakage also increases the likelihood of product recalls which further impacts the company’s sales and profit margins, as it involves costs associated with recall management such as logistics, communication, returns processing, and disposal fees. 
Moreover, not addressing leakage issues at an early stage may result in increased expenses for research and development activities aimed at identifying alternative packaging solutions that are more reliable than those currently in use. In summary, any kind of leakage is detrimental to packaging manufacturers' business operations; hence they must ensure their packages are leak-proof before shipping them out to prevent these problems from occurring altogether.
Quality control is a crucial aspect of the packaging industry, and international quality standards must be met to ensure that products are safe for use. One important test in manufacturing is the vacuum leak test, which detects any leaks or defects in packaging materials. This test helps manufacturers identify potential issues before they become larger problems, such as product spoilage or contamination. In addition, customers expect their products to arrive intact and free from damage caused by faulty packaging. 
Therefore, it's essential for manufacturers to invest in reliable equipment like an edge crush tester that can accurately measure the strength of cardboard boxes and other packaging materials. By incorporating vacuum leak testing into production processes and selecting proper testing equipment, companies can maintain high levels of quality control and meet international quality standards set forth by regulatory agencies. Such applications are critical in various industries such as food & beverage, pharmaceuticals among others where safety concerns cannot be compromised at any cost.
The Vacuum Leak Tester, also known as a bubble emission tester, is a reliable equipment, wherein the user can test vacuum leakage for bottles, pouches packets and other containers. This instrument is very helpful in detecting leaks. The compressor/vacuum pump is a built-in feature which helps in creating vacuum inside the chamber of the instrument. The vacuum pump is successful in creating up to 600hg of negative pressure. The chamber body is made of plex-glass which helps in ensuring 100% insulation. 
This instrument helps in detecting any sorts of leaks in a variety of products manufactured by industry specialists in the packaging domain.
The Vacuum Leak Tester offers high quality and precision. It has state-of-the-art technology to measure and detect any leakage in the specimen. The instrument is simple and easy to operate.
The Bubble Emission leak test method is designed for air filled samples. During the test if the user is able to observe air bubbles, then the package is compromised/ faulty. The bubble emission indicates and can easily help the user in detecting the leaking point of the sample
The following samples can be successfully tested on this instrument:
  1. LDPE & HDPE Bottles 
  2. PET Bottles
  3. Air filled pouches
  4. Packets & containers
Common Mistake #7: Not Evaluating the Shelf Life
Packaging unit manufacturers often overlook the importance of evaluating the shelf life of their products. This can result in significant consequences, such as product spoilage or degradation before it reaches the consumer.
One common mistake is not considering how different environmental factors may impact the product's shelf life. For instance, exposure to light or heat may accelerate deterioration and shorten the lifespan of a package.
Another error is failing to conduct proper testing methods to determine when a product will begin to deteriorate or expire. Without sufficient evaluation, packaging units may be shipped with an incorrect expiration date that puts consumers at risk.
Manufacturers also tend to ignore any changes in packaging materials over time which could affect its integrity and performance on storage racks or during transportation.
Ultimately, ignoring these considerations can lead to severe financial losses and reputational damage for businesses who end up releasing sub-standard products into the market - emphasizing why quality control and regular evaluations are essential components of successful manufacturing processes."
Solution #7
The Humidity Chamber is one of the most frequently used testing machines. It has applications in various segments and usage varies from material to material. 
The humidity chamber is also known as a conditioning chamber as it conditions the environment of the internal chamber as per the needs of the user. Once a sample is placed inside the chamber the reaction and changes in the sample properties are observed before and after the test. Accordingly, the manufactures improve the quality of the sample depending upon the test results. 
The Humidity Chamber provides a humidity to which the materials might be exposed to in industrial environment 
To ensure durability of the products developed by the manufacturers, the Humidity Chamber is a must. This instrument is easy to use and can be customized as per the requirement of the user. The instrument has a digital LED display which helps the user in setting the test parameters easily.
Packaging unit manufacturers must be aware of the common mistakes they tend to make during quality control. Neglecting these can lead to product recalls, loss of revenue and even impact customer trust.
To overcome such challenges, it is vital for packaging unit manufacturers to prioritize quality control measures by testing materials, measuring dimensions accurately, inspecting printing standards and conducting functional tests. Additionally, checking the sterilization process and evaluating shelf life are also crucial steps that should not be overlooked.
By preventing these commonly made errors through implementing comprehensive quality control practices into their manufacturing processes - both small-scale businesses and large corporations alike can ensure that their products meet a high standard of safety and reliability which will ultimately benefit them in the long run.

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