How to Choose the Best Muffle Furnace?

How to Choose the Best Muffle Furnace

Muffle furnace is used in laboratories for determining the ash percentage of organic materials like rubber and polymer. In certain materials, ashing is done deliberately to mould the basic properties of the materials. Utmost caution is required when the ashing is being done, too much of ash content may lead to the uncertain behaviour of the material during the production process or when the end product is in use. Muffle furnace is a very simple instrument to choose, you just need to know the temperature range, this is a very common notion that we all have. 

To break this myth, here I am going to mention a few more points that highlight the care required while choosing the muffle furnace. 
1. Identify your application – Whether you want to test rubber, polymer or food samples, it is very important to know that at what temperature your sample starts turning into fumes. If you don’t know, refer the testing standards that suit to your industry. 
2. Identify the space requirement – Okay, so you have a small lab where you cannot afford to accommodate a big bulky machine. Consider the dimensions of the machine first. Please understand that there is a huge difference between the size of the machine and size of the chamber. 
3. Identify the dimensions of the chamber – Depending on the industrial chamber, the size needs to be identified. If you want to do rubber analysis, polymer analysis or food sample analysis, any size between 4"x4"x9" inches and 6"x6"x12" would do the job. Whereas for bigger samples you may ask the manufacturer for the customization
4. Temperature Control – Muffle furnace is all about burning the sample in the chamber. This means heat consistency is very important. Whether the machine chosen by you has some provision to maintain the temperature of the chamber?
5. Safety Features – It is very important to have safety features. Make sure there is an auto-cutoff sensor to control the overheating and burning of heating coils. 
It is very important to note that appropriate conditions are required for the right working on the Muffle furnace. If you are placing it in a moist environment with very less ventilation, there might be breakdown very soon. The machine has a chimney to release all the fumes of organic compounds. If there is no air circulation, there might be chances of development of flaws. 


To know more information about its features, price, and technical specifications, give us a call at +91 9210903903 or email us at

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