Conduct neutral salt spray tests with Presto salt spray chamber

Conduct neutral salt spray tests with Presto salt spray chamber
  • Gaurav Malhotra

When it comes to evaluating the long-term durability and performance of surface coatings, then one of the most important tests that should be conducted is a salt spray test. A salt spray test is a type of quality test that evaluates the resistance of materials against corrosion in a salt-laden environment.

This quality test is important for metal product manufacturers to determine whether or not their materials will be able to withstand the elements over time. Presto being Asia’s top manufacturer of lab testing instruments has designed a high-quality salt spray testing chamber that is used to conduct neutral salt spray tests and ensure the durability of materials in salt-laden environments.
This high-quality lab testing equipment has been designed in accordance with industrial standards like ASTM B 117 and JIS Z 2371 which will accurately help the users to conduct neutral salt spray tests on the materials with ease. This quality lab testing equipment is often programmed with multiple climates, in a multi-stage cycle, to intensify the test. Here in this blog, we are going to provide you with information about salt spray testing and how this quality lab testing equipment is helpful in conducting neutral salt spray tests. But before let us discuss the importance of salt spray tests in the metal industry.

What is the need of conducting a salt spray test on metals?

We all know that metals will get corroded over time. Corrosion is a slow process that can be accelerated by environmental factors such as humidity, salt spray, and temperature changes. Conducting corrosion tests on metals is important in order to determine the best way to prevent or slow down the corrosion process. There are many different types of corrosion tests, each designed to test a different aspect of metal corrosion.
One such test is a salt spray test that can be conducted using a salt spray chamber to evaluate the corrosion-resistant properties of materials with ease. This quality test will help the manufacturers to ensure that their materials can withstand environmental factors and ensure that quality products will be delivered to the customers with ease. You can read more about What is salt spray test chambers and the importance of using them.
It is essential to conduct salt spray tests on metals in order to ensure their long-term durability and performance. By doing so, one can verify the efficacy of corrosion protection systems and identify any potential issues that could arise over time. Additionally, such testing allows manufacturers to improve their products before they reach consumers.
Now, let us discuss brief information about the Presto salt spray chamber digital model and how this lab testing equipment is useful in conducting salt spray tests. So, let us get started!

Ensure durability in metal products by using Presto salt spray test chamber

Corrosion tests are important for metals because they help to determine the rate of corrosion and the best way to protect the metal from future corrosion. By conducting salt spray tests on the materials, metal manufacturers can make informed decisions about which materials are best suited for specific applications. Presto is a leading salt spray test chamber manufacturer and offers the best salt spray chamber price to users.
The Presto salt spray test chamber has been equipped with high-end features like 7″ TFT LCD color screen, 480 x 234 pixels IP 65 complaint, provides USB Host for a USB flash drive, and incorporated with Ethernet Technology, which allows users to connect other devices utilizing LAN or internet network. Below we have listed the features and technical specifications of this quality lab testing equipment.

Features of Presto salt spray chamber

There are many features users will get by using the Presto salt spray test chamber. Below we have listed the advanced features of this quality lab testing equipment.
  • 7″ TFT LCD color screen
  • 480 x 234 pixels IP 65 complaint
  • Provides USB Host for USB flash drive
  • ARM9 32-bit CPU
  • Supports CF memory card
  • 3M Flash Memory
  • USB 1.1 for high-speed screen data download
  • 256K bytes SRAM
  • 3 sets of COM ports for multiple
  • Supports Ethernet communication protocols
  • 8 function keys

Technical Specifications of Presto salt spray test chamber

  • Temperature Range: Ambient to 40 Degrees Celsius
  • Temperature Accuracy: +/- 2 Degrees Celsius
  • Temperature Control: Built-In PID Temperature Controller with special zero corrosion PT 100 Sensor
  • Air Regulator: Ranging from 0 to 30 psi is provided.
  • Construction: FRP–Fibre Reinforced Plastic
Related Standards: JIS Z 2371, ASTM B117 – 11 
-Internal Size (Dimensions in mm):
  • Korrox™ – 250 – 800 x 500 x 550mm
  • Korrox™ – 450 – 1000 x 700 x 750mm
  • Korrox™ – 1000 – 1600 x 700 x 800mm
-External Size (Dimensions in mm):
  • Korrox™ – 250 – 1970 x 990 x 1240mm
  • Korrox™ – 450 – 2200 x 1150 x 1550mm
  • Korrox™ – 1000 – 2750 x 1170 x 1650mm
Standard Facilities:
All models of the salt spray tester are equipped with Air purging, Air Regulators, Time totalizers, Cyclic timers, Gauges, and Specimen racks. Users can easily conduct accelerated corrosion testing using the Presto salt spray testing instrument.
When it comes to corrosion testing, one of the most important methods is salt spray testing. This process can provide some critical information about how materials like surface coating, can easily stand up against corrosion and ensure the accurate product will be delivered. Manufacturers of the metal industry must make use of salt spray testing chambers to conduct neutral salt spray tests and ensure that quality material will be delivered to the customer with ease. If you wish to know more about this lab testing equipment like salt spray chamber price or want to conduct a FREE SAMPLE TESTING SESSION using this quality testing equipment, then you can give us a call at +91 9210903903 or email us at Our team of technical experts will consult you regarding all your needs and queries.

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