Five Problems Manufacturers Face Due to Corrosion and How to Solve Them?

Five Problems Manufacturers Face Due to Corrosion  & How to Solve Them?
  • Gaurav Malhotra

Corrosion is the silent enemy of automotive product manufacturers that can destroy metal parts and equipment. Testing your metal parts against corrosion is an important part of quality control. Thus, it is important for the manufacturers of metal industry to test the quality of products against corrosion. To make it easy for the product manufacturers to conduct quality test on the materials, we at Presto has designed high quality lab testing instrument known as salt spray chamber.

This unique testing chamber allows the user to perform accelerated corrosion test on metal coating surface with application of salt fog. It simulates a controlled salt-laden environment inside the chamber for testing the corrosion resistance quality of ferrous metal and coatings. The chamber design and function follows multiple global test standards including ASTM B117 and JIS Z 2371. This will ensure accuracy in test results.
As a metal product manufacturer, it's crucial to understand these challenges and implement effective solutions to mitigate their effects. 
In this blog, we will discuss five common problems faced by automotive manufacturers due to corrosion and explore practical ways to solve them. We’ll delve into the world of quality control – see how simple quality tests such as salt spray test for metal part, can help manufacturers to win the battle against corrosion!

Top 5 problems faced due to corrosion

Corrosion is not just a surface issue on metal parts; it goes much deeper, eating away at profits and causing significant financial losses for manufacturers. The cost of corrosion extends beyond the replacement of corroded parts or equipment. It includes unplanned downtime, decreased productivity, and increased maintenance and repair expenses.
Listed below are five problems caused due to corrosion:
  1. Production delays caused by corroded machinery can have a domino effect on the entire manufacturing process. When key components fail due to corrosion, it halts production until repairs or replacements are made. This leads to missed deadlines, frustrated customers, and potential loss of business.
  2. In addition to equipment failure, corrosion can also affect the quality of manufactured products. If parts or components become corroded during production, they may not meet required specifications or standards. This could result in rejected batches and wasted materials.
  3. Furthermore, maintenance and repair costs skyrocket when corrosion is left unchecked. Regular upkeep becomes more frequent as rust eats away at vital components. Not only does this translate into higher labour costs, but also increases spending on materials needed for repairs.
  4. Additionally, the impact of corrosion goes beyond monetary concerns; it affects the environment as well. Corroded equipment may leak harmful substances or chemicals into surrounding ecosystems if not properly contained or repaired promptly.
  5. Moreover, health and safety risks arise when metals deteriorate due to corrosion. Weakening structures pose hazards to employees working in close proximity to them - from collapsing infrastructure to accidents caused by malfunctioning machinery.
To mitigate these problems associated with maintenance and repair caused by corrosion, metal part manufacturers should prioritize preventive measures such as regular inspection protocols and implementing effective corrosion control techniques like protective coatings or specialized treatments during fabrication.
By investing in quality control testing equipment salt spray testing chamber for evaluating material resistance against corrosive environments - manufacturers can identify potential issues early on before they escalate into major problems down the line.

Solutions to Corrosion Problems

We’ve seen that there are various problems that manufacturers face due to corrosion. However, there are simple solutions - several methods and practices - available that can help mitigate corrosion issues and ensure the longevity of metal parts.
  • One effective solution is regular inspection and maintenance of equipment. By identifying any signs of corrosion early on, manufacturers can take necessary actions such as cleaning, painting, or applying protective coatings to prevent further damage.
  • Another solution is the use of corrosion-resistant materials in manufacturing processes. Choosing metals or alloys with higher resistance to corrosion can significantly reduce the risk of damage caused by chemical reactions with moisture or other environmental factors.
  • Implementing a robust quality control system is also crucial in preventing corrosion-related problems. This includes thorough testing and monitoring at every stage of production to identify any potential weaknesses or defects before they become major issues.
  • Furthermore, investing in advanced technologies like salt spray testing can provide valuable insights into how products will perform under corrosive conditions. This method involves subjecting test specimens to a controlled saline environment for a specified duration and observing their reaction. It helps manufacturers assess product durability and make necessary improvements if required.
  • Educating employees about proper handling and storage techniques for metal parts is essential. Training programs focused on awareness about corrosive substances, appropriate cleaning methods, and best practices for protection can go a long way in minimizing the risk of corrosion-related problems.

Salt Spray Testing: Evaluating the Corrosion Resistance of Metal Parts

Salt spray testing is a quality control method used to evaluate the corrosion resistance of various materials, including metals. It involves exposing test specimens to a controlled environment consisting of saltwater mist or fog. This process simulates real-world corrosive conditions that metal parts may encounter during their lifespan.
By subjecting metal parts to this harsh environment, manufacturers can assess their resistance against corrosion and make necessary improvements in their design and material selection if needed. Salt spray testing helps identify any weaknesses in the protective coatings or finishes applied on metal surfaces.
One of the key benefits of using salt spray testing is its ability to provide accelerated results. In just a matter of hours or days, manufacturers can obtain valuable data about how well their products withstand corrosion under specific conditions.
Moreover, salt spray testing allows for comparative analysis between different materials or coating options. Manufacturers can determine which option offers better protection against corrosion and choose accordingly based on objective test results.
By conducting regular salt spray tests during product development and production stages, manufacturers can proactively address potential corrosion issues before they become costly problems down the line. They can optimize their quality control processes and ensure that only high-quality, durable products reach customers' hands.
Salt spray testing plays an instrumental role in preventing problems caused by corrosion for metal part manufacturers. By evaluating the corrosion resistance through this accelerated simulation method, they are able to identify weaknesses early on and implement effective solutions for long-lasting performance and customer satisfaction.

Benefits of using Presto Salt Spray Chamber

The benefits of using salt spray chamber for quality control purposes are numerous. 
  1. First and foremost, using a salt spray chamber enables manufacturers to identify any potential weaknesses or flaws in their products. Since these quality control checks are conducted before the product reaches the market, it not only helps prevent costly product recalls, but also ensures customer satisfaction by delivering durable goods.
  2. Secondly, salt spray testing provides valuable data on the performance of different coatings or surface treatments used to protect against corrosion. This information can be very valuable for manufacturers, because it can help them to optimize their processes and select the most effective protective measures for their specific applications.
  3. Thirdly, utilizing a salt spray chamber enables manufacturers to comply with industry standards and regulations related to corrosion resistance. This is particularly important for industries such as automotive manufacturing or aerospace engineering where safety standards are stringent.
Incorporating salt spray testing into the quality control process offers significant advantages for metal part manufacturers.
So don't wait; take action today and safeguard your business from the damaging effects of corrosion!


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